mvlchess in english!

One year back, my official website,, was launched. Over the weeks and months, I have had the pleasure to give full accounts of my news, to share analyses and anecdotes, and to answer questions you asked. With consistency, I have been able to reinforce the link with the community of those who follow chess news in general, and my carrer in particular.

This first anniversary looks like the right time to jump ahead, and to offer an english version of the website. Of course, it was sensible to give priority in the first instance to french-speaking visitors, but I now know that these pages are also of interest for the numerous chess players to whom reading french is not accessible. This way, we are broadening the potential audience of the website to a new public, whom I am delighted to welcome.

Everyone will understand that french remains the default language of mvlchess ; but the non french-speaking audience will now be able to click on the british flag, top right of the homepage, in order to access the english version.

Good reading to all, and big thanks for continuing the adventure with me !