Baden-Baden again!

Bundesliga 2018

The Bundesliga regular season had ended on May 1st with a tie between my team of Baden-Baden and Solingen. The rules required a playoff to be played as soon as possible. Despite the normal difficulties to organize such an encounter where numerous world-class players are involved, the date of Thursday, May 24 prevailed; in particular, it had the advantage of being located just before the Norway Chess super tournament in Stavanger, where a few protagonists of the Germanic duel were expected to land next Saturday.
Thanks to our lead in the game points tiebreaker, we were welcoming the playoff in Baden-Baden, and it took place at 3pm inside the town large cultural complex. Placed on board 2 behind Caruana, who by the way made his season’s first appearance, I thought I would play against Rapport with white, as Harikrishna, my opponent in the regular season’s match, was in China. But finally, it’s the Austrian Markus Ragger who sat in front of me, and who chose to play the same Berlin line that Howell already tried against me on the previous weekend.

On my way to a Berlin against the Austrian Markus Ragger (photo:
On my way to a Berlin against the Austrian Markus Ragger (photo:

I was the first to deviate, opting for the 12.b3 variation, against which he reacted a bit weirdly with 12…f6. Black instantly admits that he’s going to play with a bad structure and open lines, although it is true that he keeps the Bishop pair, with a still solid position. Certainly, I allowed him to repair his damaged structure and to switch to « opposite coloured Bishops mode », after the exchange 22.Nxd6+. But I believe he underestimated the blocus of his pawns on dark squares after 26…Nxe5 27.Nxe5 fxe5 28.c3!, leaving me with a potential lever on each side.

After 28.c3!, three white pawns control four.
After 28.c3!, three white pawns control four.

Before the time control, Ragger took the radical decision of sacrificing a pawn with 32…c5!?. I understand his will not to be limited to a passive defense, which would have been difficult and tedious, and his practical choice is not foolish. But I believe in either case, White would have kept very good winning chances anyway. I cannot say if my play was optimal before move 40, but it is certain that the transposition into a pure opposite couloured Bishops endgame looked winning to me
Unfortunately, I took a wrong decision, thinking I was going to win after 49.Kf4? Bxh5 50.Kxe4, which was not to be. Instead, I should have kept my h pawn and played 49.Kh4! which actually wins.

A crucial moment: 49.Kh4! wins, but not 49.Kf4?.
A crucial moment: 49.Kh4! wins, but not 49.Kf4?.

After 49.Kh4! Kg7 (49…Kf6 50.Be3 Kxf5 51.Bxh6 ou 50…Kg7 51.f6+ is also hopeless, Black will not cope with both the c and h pawns at the same time) 50.Be3 Bc4 51.f6+ Kh7 (51…Kxf6 52.Bxh6 and again, the two passers make all the difference) 52.Kg4 Bf7 53.Kf5 Bxh5 54.c4!, the strenght of white pawns prevails.
In the game, I had to keep my pawn on c3 as if I rushed to push it to c5, Black’s King would have blocked it on c6. Thus, even after taking his last pawn on h6, the position wasn’t winning anymore, despite my two c and f pawns remaining. Indeed, the Black Bishop stays on the a2-g8 diagonal, and the Black King navigates between e8 and b5, preventing any advance of the c pawn, while keeping an eye on the f pawn.

With Etienne Bacrot, two frenchies in the world’s strongest chess team… (Video: Baden-Baden).
With Etienne Bacrot, two frenchies in the world’s strongest chess team… (Video: Baden-Baden).

It is always frustrating not to convert a winning endgame, but the important thing was that my modest half-point could contribute to the win of the match.
And so it was, as we won 2-1, although the final score doesn’t reflect the overall match. We had better positions on most boards, and we lost the only one where we were slightly in danger (Giri beat Caruana).
With this victory, Baden-Baden is again German Team champion in 2018, for the twelfth time in thirteen years, matching the absolute record held by… Solingen.
That looks like a ready-made challenge for the next season !

[otw_shortcode_quote border=”bordered” border_style=”bordered” background_pattern=”otw-pattern-1″]TwitterMaxime flew to Stavanger (Norway) on Saturday 26, where the famous « Norway Chess » tournament will begin on Monday 28. 8 of the Top10 players are announced, alongside with Anand and Aronian (and yes, both are currently out of that list !). When the tournament begins, Maxime will probably have reached the 20.000 followers mark on Twitter. A relatively modest figure, if you compare it to the best chess players active on this network but, to this day, how to fight with a serial twitto (Giri, 40k), a reigning World champion (Carlsen, 189k), and a living legend of a whole subcontinent (Anand, 536k) !
Maxime’s Twitter:[/otw_shortcode_quote]

Official site:
Maxime’s game:

MVL inspires them !


L’Express is one of the biggest french magazines. Incidentally, it celebrates its birthday this very week.

As soon as november of its first year (1953), the weekly already published a « list of 100 », which offered a review of the hundred french people « who map out roads for the future ». In 2018, L’Express does it again to mark its 65 years of existence : only differences with 1953, parity is respected, and the political field has been excluded. As Guillaume Dubois, L’Express Director, states, the main purpose is to « bring to the fore French men and women who […] believe in their own future and in their country’s future. Coming from a broad range of areas, « reflecting a diversity of careers, of jobs, of sensitivities, and of origins, […] [the 100] are acting », he adds.
And among them, in the section of « Those who act to surpass themselves », you will find Maxime ! Do we have to see a symbol in the fact that he’s just next to Thomas Pesquet, the famous astronaut ?

Still, this recognition constitutes a huge incentive, for Maxime will jump back on the campaign trail in 2019, trying to move through the qualifying stages leading to the world championship match.

Find out Maxime’s presentation below, with the kind permission of L’Express management  (see translation below):

Article L'Express
Article L’Express

Caption: 27 y.o, chess player. He wants to become world champion.
Text: For the best french chess player in history, #1 at home, and World #5, 2017 was a terrible year. Maxime Vachier-Lagrave narrowly missed a spot in the Candidates, the tournament which selected the challenger of World Champion Magnus Carlsen, for the forthcoming title match in November. Thus, Maxime decided to treat 2018 as a transition year. Among other things, he hired a mental coach, in order to master this touch of impulsiveness which sometimes puts him at a disadvantage, despite his extraterrestrial skills (he belongs to the small circle of those who have reached 2800 Elo points, the method for calculating relative levels of chess players). Our International Grandmaster knows that his creative and sharp play can disarm Carlsen, less at ease than him in complex positions where anything can happen. Maxime has already beaten him, last time the previous year. At only 27, « MVL » has plenty of time ahead of him. But it is out of the question to miss the next opportunities of reaching the « title of titles », in 2020.

[otw_shortcode_quote border=”bordered” border_style=”bordered” background_pattern=”otw-pattern-1″]Titled tuesday’s no way we would miss on this website games played by Maxime ! Thus, let’s have a slight month-long flash back, to revisit the « Titled Tuesday » tournament organized by As its name indicates, this online blitz tournament takes place once a month on Tuesdays, and is restricted to titled players. Maxime played in the April 17 Titled Tuesday, probably the strongest one so far, with tens of GM’s around. The fact that an Argentinian FM prevailed, before to be banned from the website soon afterwards, contributes to global suspicions over the fairness of online chess…On his part, Maxime first crushed the competition, with 7/7 against 6 GM’s (!), before to give up two draws, and ultimately lose the decisive last-round game because of a huge blunder, even if not without finding ways to fight back (see Viewer below).[/otw_shortcode_quote]

Official site:
Maxime’s games:

Did you say MVL ?

MVL group

Maxime’s agenda is a bit dull these days (not that he’s not training !), before the avalanche of tournaments from end of May to end of June. (see Maxime’s agenda), So let’s run the risk of being somewhat unconventional for once, and try not to talk that much about chess !
All chess players know MVL ; well, anyway they should ! But those three letters which are familiar to the noble game lovers, what do they mean to the others ?
We have decided to find out more about it !

Let’s begin this overview in France…

The company MVL (Muselets du Val du Loire) in Chambray-les-Tours is the « wirehood » leader, this wire cage that fits over the cork of a bottle of Champagne or sparkling wine. It is covered by a metal foil envelope, especially appreciated by specific collectors.

MVL is also the Métalliers du Val du Loir company, located in Sarthe. It is specialized in the manufacture of metal doors and windows

Métalliers du Val du Loir
Métalliers du Val du Loir

MVL-signed objects, we will point out first and foremost the Peugeot 103 MVL, undisputed star of the eightie’s mopeds…

MVL 103 (image :
MVL 103 (image :

With regard to sport, MVL is the Mende Volley Lozère, whose first team just missed out the qualification for next year’s professional Pro B League.

Mende Volley Lozère (image :

Let’s continue our journey in MVL’s universe abroad…

First of all, we stop in Islet, Québec, where the MVL garage, as its name indicates, specializes in Mécanique des Véhicules Lourds (heavy vehicle mecanics), especially trucks, trailers and agricultural machines.

Garage MVL
Garage MVL


Still in Canada, but in a rather different field, MVLMédicaments en Vente libre (free delivery drugs), developed by the Pharmacists College of Québec. This database is filled with essential informations for pharmacists, drug manufacturers and wholesalers.

Médicaments en vente libre (Ordre des pharmaciens du Québec)
Médicaments en vente libre
(Ordre des pharmaciens du Québec)

Let’s go to the Usa, with the lavalier MVL marketed by Shure. Dedicated to superior audio recording, it can be plugged into any smartphone.

We stay in the US with the MVL GROUP. But here, difficult to guess where the name of this large international company comes from… In any case, MVL is a giant of construction and supply chain management, mainly operating in Middle-East and Afghanistan. For instance, MVL can be credited with the construction of numerous official Afghan infrastructures and buildings, as the Ministry of Home Affairs, or the Helmand military base.
MVL Group

In India, Media Video Limited (MVL) was born ten years ago. As its name doesn’t indicate, this company was originaly specialized in audio/video, but diversified and also operates nowadays in residential and commercial real estate.

Let’s go to South Korea now, where exist, not one, but two luxury hotels named MVL !
MVL HOTEL in Goyang

 MVL HOTEL à Goyang

MVL HOTEL in Yeosu :

MVL HOTEL in Yeosu :
MVL HOTEL in Yeosu :

In the sports area, we’ll pick the MVL XC, cross-country club of the Mount Vernon-Lisbon High School (Washington DC, Usa), whose female section looks particularly smiling… Hello, Mvl !

Mount Vernon High school
Mount Vernon High school


And you will even find an MVL in musics, with Neztor MVL, a Mexican rap and hip hop singer, very popular on YouTube, mainly in Hispanic countries.

Netzor MVL


Obviously, this list isn’t exhaustive, and we will only add to conclude :

Man Vehicle Laboratory (MVL), an MIT Research group whose goal is to optimize overall human-vehicle system effectiveness and safety, on aircrafts and spacecrafts.


Man Vehicle Laboratory (MVL)

Molecular Vision Laboratory (MVL), an american reference laboratory specializing in genetic testing for ophtalmic diseases.

Molecular Vision Laboratory

Marvel Entertainment, listed in the New-York Stock Exchange under the code MVL, is producing fictions based on the american comics universe.

Marvel Entertainment (MVL au NYSE)
Marvel Entertainment (MVL au NYSE)

MVL, air code of the Morrisville-Stowe Airport, in Vermont (Usa).

MVL, air code of the Morrisville-Stowe Airport, in Vermont (Usa).
MVL, air code of the Morrisville-Stowe Airport, in Vermont (Usa).

Mario Vargas Llosa (MVL), a Peruvian writer, author of novels and political essays, and Litterature Nobel Prize 2010. He was a candidate for the Perou Presidential election in 1990.

Mario Vargas Llosa

Members’ voluntary liquidation (MVL) : process where the shareholders of a solvent company adopt a voluntary winding up resolution.


Manœuvre à Vue Libre (MVL) : an aeronautic term, a « circling approach » in english. Pilots fly circling approaches when it’s not possible to do a straight-in approach to the runway after an instrument approach.

Manœuvre à Vue Libre (MVL)
Manœuvre à Vue Libre (MVL)

MVL,, personal blog of an Atlanta-based magazine editor.


In Malaysia, MVL sells stuff online « in the name of love » !

MVL in the name of love

We should stop now, but we will not leave without a single chess word !

[otw_shortcode_quote border=”bordered” border_style=”bordered” background_pattern=”otw-pattern-1″]MVL échecs
Monica Vilar Lopez
We had a look at all kinds of MVL’s, but wait, chesswise, are there any other active MVL’s ? Well, a search in FIDE lists shows that there are a few of them, and that MVL’s runner-up (Elo wise) is a female player, namely WFM Monica Vilar Lopez, 1995 Spain champion, numerous times Catalonia champion, and who played for Spain in three Olympiads.
Welcome to the club, MVL ![/otw_shortcode_quote]

Giant meeting in Berlin

Vue d’ensemble de la salle (Photo : ©Theo Heinze).

It’s the second time the Bundesliga gathers in the main room of the Berlin Maritim Hotel, very close to the center town. With sixteen teams around playing the last three rounds of the year’s championship, it can be said that this long weekend was the culmination of the year, a kind of huge chess party. In sporting terms, we (Baden-Baden) began the final weekend head to head with Solingen, with the hope of winning this long_distance affair in one of the three rounds.
Continue reading “Giant meeting in Berlin”
